History Playing Card Game


Plan for no less than an hour in the museum. Ideally, a museum visit of 90 minutes allows time for a bio-break, a brief introduction, card game instructions, stress-free learning, and a few minutes to explore the museum or the gift shop.


  • Following a quick walk-thru of the exhibit with your museum guide, divide students into small groups of 2 to 4 kids. Each group needs a strong reader and writer.
  • Distribute all 26 cards equally among groups. Each team will complete 2 to 3 cards.
    • Example:
    • If your class is divided into 13 pairs of (2) kids, each pair gets 2 cards.
    • If your class is split into 9 groups of 3, each group gets 3 cards.
    • Keep in mind for timing: the front (color, in-museum) side of each card takes 10-15 minutes to complete.
  • Please remind children: this is groupwork. You’ll read, discuss, and answer as a team. Chaperons: please help only if the kids are stuck, but allow them the opportunity to try to read the cards and exhibits themselves.
  • Groups are issued a clipboard & pencil. Students write their names on the front of each card. You’ll be asked to return the clipboard & pencil to the museum…but your cards will go back to school with your teacher.
  • Kids will explore, to find the exhibit area pictured. It’s not a scavenger hunt or a race. Complete one card at a time, as a group. Don’t rush: you’ll have plenty of time to read, answer, and understand.
  • Write your answers on the card clearly. You’ll need to read them, later!
  • BACK-IN CLASS: The back of each card (black-and-white side) is another group activity that builds on the themes you’ll explore in the museum. You’ll complete that side with the same group, when you’re back in class!

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