The Past on the Printed Page
Housed in the Museum, the Shattuck Memorial Research Library offers a unique selection of books, files, oral histories, and microfilm archives to the public. The Library focuses on Bisbee and western history, particularly as the history of the West impacted Bisbee’s development from the late 19th through mid-21st centuries. Primary collections include mining history, Bisbee history, geology, and mineralogy.
Included in the Library collections available to the public are:
- 100 years of local newspapers on microfilm
- Bisbee City Directories from 1899 through the 1970s
- Early 20th century censes on microfilm
- Extensive vertical files (subject-based files containing monographs, newspaper clippings, correspondence, and all the wonderful bits & pieces that make up our shared history)
- Biographical files
- Obituary files
- 17,000 historic photographic reprints from the Museum’s archival collections
- Mining annual reports & bulletins
- Bisbee High School annuals Cuprites from 1916 onward