A linen color postcard of the Palace of Electricity in San Diego. The front caption at the bottom reads: “Palace of Electricity and Varied Industries. America's Exposition San Diego, California.” The back caption reads: “Palace of Electricity contains many displays of the wonders of electrical magic. One of the featured exhibits is the "House of Magic" a kitchen that talks, corn popped on ice, and music transmitted over a beam of light, and many other attractions in electrical appliances.” The postcard was postmarked San Diego, California October 14, 1935 and was sent by G. Mother to Howard Cain Jr. Box 1989 Bisbee, Ariz. Written on the back in ink: “Dear Howard This is all so pretty. Grandmother does wish her little boy could be here to see all the funny things. I think you are learning to write real well. How is June. Love, G. Mother” Calvin Cain Collection.
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