A black and white photo postcard, circa 1930s, of the park along Main Street in front of the Phelps Dodge General Office Building. The photo is titled: "The Plaza." The postcard is unused, and the publisher is unknown. Marion de Booy Wentzien Collection.
The Copper Queen Plaza, or Plaza Park, is a small park in front of the Phelps Dodge Office and Copper Queen Hotel. Bids for construction of a sidewalk in the park began in 1906 and the project was completed by 1907. The plaza hosted a number of Bisbee’s special events and band concerts, including Fourth of July festivities. A masquerade ball was held there in July 1909 that five thousand people attended. Two sculptures have been recently added and the gardening club has kept a gated garden with rose bushes and a wide variety of plants. The trees there include magnolias and pine wood.
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