A black and white photo postcard of the Twin Branches powerhouse and dam. The front caption at the top left reads: “Ind. (Indiana) and Mich. (Michigan) Electric Company’s Powerhouse and Dam at Twin Branch. The postcard was postmarked South Bend, Ind. Feb. 11, 1921-11 AM and was sent by Dill to Mr. C. J. Beezley Bisbee, Ariz Box 2021. The message on the back in blue ink reads: “Well here is where I stay part of the time. How is everything coming out there. I have a good job getting $6.00 and on top of the ground. How is the family Write and let us know how everything is. Any news from the Portland has the lawsuit here settled? Your old friend Dill” The postcard was published by J. Inbody, Elkhart, Indiana and was sent with a green, one-cent George Washington stamp. Calvin Cain Collection.
The Twin Branch Hydroelectric Plant is located near Mishawaka and was built 1903 on the Saint Joseph River. In 1922 the plant was acquired by American Gas & Electric Company. The dam measurements is about 402 feet in length and 23 feet in height The plant currently has eight generation units and is currently owned and operated by the Indiana Michigan Power Company.
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