A black and white photo postcard showing the Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Company General Office Building with Chihuahua Hill in the background, circa 1904. The front caption reads: "Chihuahua Hill." The postcard is unused and was published by the Humphries Photo Company, El Paso, Texas. Neal Bush Collection.
The offices of the Copper Queen Mining Company were built in 1895 with red brick in the Italianate style. The left side door was designed to wide enough for two men to men to walk into the building shoulder to shoulder as part of Masonic rituals. Bisbee’s Masonic Lodge held their meetings on the second floor of the building before they built a new Masonic Hall on Main Street. The offices were renovated, adding a wide porch to the front and a vault on the second floor. On the right side of the first floor an extension was added to distribute the company payroll. When mining operations ended in 1975, Phelps Dodge gave their former office to the City of Bisbee and the building was transformed into Bisbee’s Mining and Historical Museum. In 1983 the former Phelps Dodge Office became a National Historic Landmark. The letters “C.Q.C.M.C.” stamped onto the step to the front door has been thoroughly worn on the right side from all the visitors over the years.
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