A black and white photo postcard of the offices of the Southwestern Realty Company. Captioned at the top: “Office Southwestern Realty Co., Warren, Arizona. “The City Beautiful”” Addressed to J.T. Hazard in Courtland, Ariz and was postmarked in Warren Ariz. The postcard was sent without a message and was published by Humphries Photo Company, El Paso, Texas. Bob Jeffrey Collection.
In May 1908, the Southwestern Realty Office began selling housing lots in Warren, the first planned suburb in Arizona. The company’s advertisements in the Bisbee Daily Review highlighted clean air, clean water, and new sewer lines in Warren in comparison with the often filthy and over crowded conditions in Bisbee, not to mention the residue left from Bisbee smelter. The lots pricing was from $300 upwards or about $9,300 in 2021. H. B. Hanscom worked as the manager.
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