Members of the band Mordant Life, a punk rock group that was part of the Cochise County Hardcore music scene circa 1990. Facing camera, left to right: Mike Shuck and Kenneth Buck Lowe. Location of image is likely Manulito Trail in Warren. Andrew Boyer of the band Headspace recounted the following: Mike Shuck is my wife's brother. He passed away a little over a year ago from cancer. He was an awesome dude who ended up becoming a hero to me. He became pretty famous in a band called Ruinacre up in Flagstaff. He was another one who was constantly in our jam room...usually with Damian [LePard]. They were best friends and now they're together again [LePard died in March 1993] raising hell just like old times. I will miss those dudes till the day I die!!
Cochise County Hardcore CCHC Punk rock Music Mordant Life Band Musicians Kenneth Buck Lowe Michael Mike Shuck Warren
Boyer, Andrew
Kenneth Buck Lowe Michael Mike Shuck
Warren, Arizona
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