A circa 1890s studio portrait of Walter Tellman. Tellman lived to be 20 years and 7 months old. He was born July 24, 1879 and died March 2, 1900. This information was taken from the photo of Tellman that was added as an exhibit prop. He is listed in the cemetery database as Tellam. Note: the Tombstone newspapers were reviewed and on March 3, 1900 it told of Tellman's death. He was working in the smelter at 4 a.m. cleaning the lower section of the converters, which carries fumes to the smoke stacks from the converter. A copper cinder weighing about one ton loosened and rolled, crushing him into a shapeless mass. His coworkers tried to lift him and Tellman reportedly said Boys don't pull too hard. Tellman died within two minutes of the accident. He was buried March 3, 1900. Photo by Markey Studios.
Studio portrait Camera Animal rug Man Walter Tellman Mine accident Accident Suit Markey, photographer 1890s
Northcutt, Ben & Bonni
Walter Tellman
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