Group portrait of the employees of the Phelps Dodge General Office Building on the steps in the Copper Queen Plaza in 1929. Note the Copper Queen Hotel in the background. Only a few of the people are identified. First row, fourth from left: Marguerite Amthor, and fifth from left: Fay Carlisle. Second row, second female from right is possibly Ella Wilson Walters. The man in the first row, first on viewers right, is also in pictures 2007.15.2 and 2009.12.2.
Phelps Dodge employees Phelps Dodge General Office Building Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Co. General Office Building Copper Queen Plaza Copper Queen Hotel Hats Dresses Group 1929 Men Women Children Marguerite Amthor Faye Carlise Ella Wilson Walters Suits Dresses Shoes Coats Boys 1920s
Bryan, Joyce Walters
Marguerite Amthor Faye Carlise Ella Wilson Walters
Bisbee, Arizona
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