The First National Bank boys baseball team posing for a picture at the ballpark on Cochise Row in Bakerville. Fourteen boys are in the image dressed in their uniforms with gloves. Note the old Calumet & Arizona Hospital in the top background of the image. John Sefferovich identified the team as the state champions for 1956. Below are possible identification of the players. First row from left to right: third Floyd Lucero, fourth Eddie Lopez , fifth George Acuna or Red Loper, and sixth Larry Medlock. Back row from left to right: second Joe Stock, fourth Ray Johnson, fifth (?) Irwin, sixth Philip Smith, and seventh is Jack Reed/Reid.
Baseball Bakerville Cochise Row Boys Children 1956 Baseball team First National Bank Uniforms Gloves State Champions
Mullinax, Chris
Floyd Lucero Jack Reed Reid Philip Smith
Bakerville, Arizona
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