Photograph of the women's high school and eighth grade graduation classes in 1907. They are holding their diplomas. Many of the young ladies have ribbons pinned to their dresses and some have flowers. Back row standing: Lillian Van Horn, Lucy Kenny, Ethel Jones, Mamie Welch, Josie Lippert, Lena Schmid, and Maggie Spaulding. Middle row: Gertrude Wylie, June Nolan, Mrs. Dyer (teacher), Sadie Dye, Mary Hogan, and Barbara Henninger. Bottom row: Katie Gill, Grace Hicks, and Jane Harris. Photograph by Coyles of Bisbee.
Graduation picture 1907 Students Girls Women Fashion Teacher Dresses Diplomas Hairstyles Flowers Bisbee Public Schools
Bradshaw, Earl
Van Horn, Lillian Kenny, Lucy Jones, Ethel Stein, Rose Welch, Mamie Lippert, Josie Schmid, Lena Spaulding, Maggie Wylie, Gertrude Nolan, June Dyer, Mrs. Dye, Sadie Hogan, Mary Henninger, Barbara Gill, Katie Hicks, Grace Harris, Jane
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