A photo postcard of the McGregor Building, also originally known as the Cole Building as well as the Warren Hotel, located on the corner of Arizona Street and Congdon Avenue in Warren, circa 1940s. Note the streetlight and the sign that reads, "Southern Pacific Bus Stops Here." Paula Frighetti Collection.
The A. G. McGregor building, formerly the Cole Ryan Block, housed the Warren Hotel on the second floor and various businesses on the first floor which included the Warren Drug Company with a soda fountain, the W.E. Endicott’s barber shop, and the Western Union office. In November 1922, the 205th Infantry Brigade established headquarters in Room 5 serving as the office for Col. Dougherty. More recently, around $500,000 has been invested in restoration work on the Warren Hotel. ---- A.G. McGregor was a mechanical engineer, a chairman of The Arizona Resources Board and served as president on Bisbee’s Chamber of Commerce. He was also a member of the American Legion, American Association of Engineers, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (organized in 1848 and incorporated in 1874) He wrote a number of pamphlets and books including Features of the New Copper Smelting Plants in Arizona published January 1st, 1916 and The Correct Economy for the Machine Age, The Economic Policy Which Must be Pursued if Prosperity is to be Achieved published January 1, 1936. He was a member of the Warren Country Club and liked to play golf there. McGregor also enjoyed fishing with G.H. Dowell and John Mason Ross and their families up in the Mogollon Mountains in New Mexico.
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