A black and white postcard of Stewart Grant's home, in Bisbee. The home was built by Kenneth Sutherland. Sutherland is on the steps with Grant behind him. The other two men are identified as boarders in the house. The message on the back reads: “"This is one of the houses Kenneth built for Nellie McKinnon’s brother Stewart Grant. He is standing right behind Kenneth. The other two are roomers in the house.” The postcard is unused, and the publisher is unknown.
Stewart Grant was born some time in 1879, worked for a time for Doctor Sweet as a houseman and also was employed for a couple years as a nurse and an orderly at the hospital. He once lived at 641 Lowell. Grant played the mandolin, having some skill in music. In late April of 1905, Steward Grant was among those buying lots in the Johnson Addition. He died in 1949 and was buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
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