A black and white postcard of a mule train underground. Otis Beatty Thomas on the left wearing hat. The back caption reads: “MULE TRAIN UNDERGROUND---CIRCA 1905/ Presented by the Bisbee Mining & Historical Museum/ Mules spent most of their lives underground hauling the rich copper ore before electric mine trains became available.” The postcard is unused and was published by the Bisbee Mining & Historical Museum. Fred & Kathryn Utter Thomas Collection.
Otis Beatty Thomas was born on September 13th 1871 to Mary Beatty and John Thomas in Indiana. Otis was a member and a clerk at the Lowell Camp No. 46 of the Woodmen of the World a fraternal organization that would meet at Fair and Finnish Hall. He lived in Lowell and married Eva Mathews in October 1921. -
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