A black and white photo postcard shows a parade float of the Bisbee Daily Review newspaper. Second from left is John Caretto. The front caption in ink on the bottom left reads: “Second from Left, John Caretto-Tony’s Father”. The postcard is unused, and the publisher is unknown. Erna S. Caretto Collection.
The Bisbee Daily Review first appeared in 1896 as The Weekly Orb later becoming the Arizona Orb that only ran for two years. It changed politically and shifted between serval editors before becoming The Cochise Review. In November 1901, the newspaper was bought by William Kelly who turned it into the Bisbee Daily Review. The Consolidated Printing Company was formed by William and his father George Kelly and they owned all southeast newspapers in Arizona. Between 1909 and 1915, Phelps Dodge started purchasing all of the Kelly’s newspapers to ensure that all coverage of the company would be favorable. The Bisbee Daily Review publication ended in 1971. William Epler bought the paper who sold it to the Wick family in 1974. The Review still has two descendants in circulation today: the Sierra Vista Herald and the second incarnation of the Bisbee Daily Review.
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