The C.U.C. (Cut Up Club) in 1911 on the lawn of the Y.W.C.A. (Douglas House). 1st row (left to right) Lottie McKee, Carmalita Michaels, Ida Paff, Nellie Lemon, Addie Wittig. 2nd Row: Selah Chase, Miriam Toles, Ida Stone, Blanche Bekwith, Grace Rundle, Emily Wilson, Kittie Regan.
Cut Up Club Young Women's Christian Association Williams-Douglas House Girls Fashion 1911 1910s Teenagers Dresses Hats Cut Up Club YWCA Bisbee McKee Michaels Paff Lemon Wittig Chase Toles Stone Beckwith Rundle Wilson Regan
Trischka, Emily Wilson
Lottie McKee Carmalita Michaels Ida Paff Nellie Lemon Addie Wittig Selah Chase Miriam Toles Ida Stone Blanche Beckwith Grace Rundle Emily Wilson Kittie Regan
Bisbee, Arizona
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