The Bisbee High School graduation class of 1911. Left to right starting at the top center: Carlos Gibson, Emily Wilson (Trischka), Addie Wittig, Miriam Toles, Louise Beyer, Walter O'Mally, Selah Chase (Hoy), Blanche Beckwith (Mashbir), Clare O'Donnell, Carl Nelson, Grace Rundle (Golivitzer) Kittie Regan, Elizabeth Scott (Wittig), Carmelita Michaels, CENTER: James Maffeo, Principal Clauson, Roswell Champion. Most of those pictured became teachers.
Graduation Studio portraits Students 1911 Bisbee High School Class Bisbee Public Schools Teenagers Gibson Wilson Trischka Wittig Toles Beyer O'Mally Chase Hoy Beckwith Mashbir O'Donnell Champion Clauson Nelson Rundle Golivitzer Regan Wittig Scott Michaels Maffeo
Trischka, Emily Wilson
Carlos Gibson Emily Wilson Emily Trischka Addie Wittig Miriam Toles Louise Beyer Walter O'Mally Selah Chase Selah Hoy Blanche Beckwith Blanche Mashbir Clare O'Donnell Carl Nelson Grace Rundle Grace Golivitzer Kittie Regan Elizabeth Scott Elizabeth Wittig Carmelita Michaels James Maffeo Principle Clauson Roswell Champion
Bisbee, Arizona
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