A studio portrait of Rosalia (Rosa) Moreno at the age of 16 in Bisbee, October 6, 1912. Photo by Irwin. The following information was provided by the donor: Rosa (Rosalia) Moreno, my great grandmother and daughter of Jesus Moreno and Elijia Garcia. Jesus Moreno, my great, great grandfather. Born in 1874 in the Bisbee area. Died between 1930 and 1940 in Los Angeles from miner's consumption (also known as black lung disease from working in the mine). Worked in the copper mine. His father was from Spain, also named Jesus Moreno Married to Elijia Garcia 1872-1942, my great, great grandmother. She was born in Chihuahua, Mexico and died in Los Angeles.
Rosa Moreno Irwin, photographer Teenager Girl Latino Hispanic October 6, 1912 Fashion Dress Chair Shoes
Navarez, Alexander
Rosa Moreno
Bisbee, Arizona
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