Photograph of the Bisbee High School boys and girls tennis teams, circa 1966. Front row, left to right: Linda Dahlke, Donna Babicky, Nikki Ribic, Valda Reed, Sharon Moraritz, Pat Jones. Back row, left to right: Coach Fred Corrin, Vincent Candiello, Alan Boeckman, Alan Boeckman, David Bowman, and Toby Morales. Several of the players are holding trophies; they were State Champions.
Bisbee High School Tennis Team Bisbee Public Schools Bisbee High School Tennis Team Boys Girls Teenagers Fred Corrin Coach Hairstyles Trophies
Corrin, Fred
circa 1966
Reed, Valda Jones, Pat Moraritz, Sharon Babicky, Donna Ribic, Nikki Corrin, Fred Candiello, Vincent Bowman, David Boeckman, Alan Dierking, John Morales, Toby Dahlke, Linda
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