Members of the YWCA dressed up for a Silly Fashion Show. Note the women are all dressed in unusual costumes. Photo likely taken at the YWCA. The women are identified as, front to back, left to right: Hazel Kennaugh, Rose Wrye, Rose Thirgart, Lota Bird, Edythe Deakin, Violet Morgan, Susie Deskamp, Jean Kasun, Lois Wensel, Daisey Balfour, Goldie Collins, Annie McKinney and Margaret Tafoya.
YWCA Young Women's Christian Association 1970s Women Party Costumes Silly Funny 1975
Bisbee Community Y
Hazel Kennaugh Rose Wrye Rose Thirgart Lota Bird Edythe Deakin Violet Morgan Susie Deskamp Jean Kasun Lois Wensel Daisey Balfour Goldie Collins Annie McKinney Margaret Tafoya
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