Members of the Girl Reserves dressed in western costumes in June 1930. The girls in the foreground are Prospectors who found ore, while the girls in the back are dressed as Native Americans. Looking at their dress they are likely dressed to represent the Chiricahua Apache. The girls in the back are pointing rifles at the girls dressed as prospectors. The image may have been taken at the Girl Reserves camp in the Chiricahua Mountains. The girls in the foreground from left to right are: Gertrude Thompson and possibly Pauline Forsythe. The girls in the back of the image are from left to right: Mona Hastie, possibly Isabel Hunter, Leona Wollman, Helen Cameron, and Marjorie Ralph.
Girl Reserves Acting Girls Children Actresses Teenagers Fun Performance Wild West Guns Pistol Hats Costumes Apace Native Americans American Indians Rifles Beads Prospectors Mining June 1930 Mona Hastie Leona Wollman Helen Cameron Marjorie Ralph Isabel Hunter Gertrude Thompson Pauline Forsthye
Bisbee Community Y
Mona Hastie Leona Wollman Helen Cameron Marjorie Ralph Isabel Hunter Gertrude Thompson Pauline Forsthye
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