A surprise wedding shower for Dorothy Stamply Robinson (sitting) at the YWCA. Here is being presented surrounded by her friends who attended the event. The women are identified as: First row: Dorothy Robinson (sitting) and Laverne Williams (kneeling). Second row left to right: Rose Wyre, Mildred Phillips and Annie McKinney Third row left to right: Kathleen Puckett, Bea Von Kanel, Violet Morgan, Lota Bird and Madge Thomas.
YWCA Party Women February 1976 Dorothy Stamply Robinson Laverne Williams Rose Wyre Mildred Phillips Annie McKinney Kathleen Puckett Bea Von Kanel Violet Morgan Lota Bird Madge Thomas
Bisbee Community Y
Dorothy Stamply Robinson Laverne Williams Rose Wyre Mildred Phillips Annie McKinney Kathleen Puckett Bea Von Kanel Violet Morgan Lota Bird Madge Thomas
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